A Comprehensive Guide to Gradient Descent Optimization Algorithms for Neural Networks


Optimization algorithms play a crucial role in training neural networks to achieve high accuracy and minimize the cost function. There are several optimization algorithms available, each with its advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will discuss the most commonly used optimization algorithms, including Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Mini-Batch Gradient Descent, and Momentum-based Gradient Descent. In the next article, we will include some more optimizers to keep this article short and crisp. We will provide code snippets and use cases to help you understand the differences between these algorithms and choose the right one for your neural network.

Optimization Algorithms

The body of the article will include detailed explanations of the selected optimization algorithms, along with code snippets and use cases for each of them. The explanations will be clear and concise, with a focus on helping readers understand the advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm.

  1. Gradient Descent (GD): This is a simple optimization algorithm that uses the gradient of the loss function concerning the weights to update the weights. The update rule is as follows:

     W = W - learning_rate * gradient_of_loss

    where W is the weight vector, learning_rate is the step size, and gradient_of_loss is the gradient of the loss function concerning the weights. The learning rate controls the step size and is usually chosen to be a small positive number. GD is useful for convex functions, but may not be efficient for non-convex functions.

    • Advantages: It is easy to implement and can converge to a global minimum under some conditions.

    • Disadvantages: It can be slow and may converge to a local minimum or saddle point.


# Initialize weights and learning rate
w = np.zeros((n_features, 1))
alpha = 0.01

# Perform gradient descent
for i in range(n_iterations):
    grad = compute_gradient(X, y, w)
    w -= alpha * grad

Here, X is the input data, y is the target data, n_features is the number of features in X, n_iterations is the number of iterations to run the algorithm, compute_gradient is a function that computes the gradient of the cost function, and alpha is the learning rate.

Use case: GD is often used as a baseline optimization algorithm for simple neural networks with small datasets.

  1. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD): This is an extension of GD, where instead of computing the gradient of the loss function over the entire training set, the gradient is computed for a single example at a time. This can be more efficient for large datasets and non-convex functions. The update rule is as follows:

     W = W - learning_rate * gradient_of_loss_for_single_example

    where the gradient is computed for a single example at a time. The learning rate is usually chosen to be a small positive number.

    • Advantages: It is faster than GD and can handle large datasets.

    • Disadvantages: It can be noisy and may get stuck in a local minimum.


        # Initialize weights and learning rate
        w = np.zeros((n_features, 1))
        alpha = 0.01
        # Perform stochastic gradient descent
        for i in range(n_iterations):
            idx = np.random.randint(n_samples)
            grad = compute_gradient(X[idx:idx+1], y[idx:idx+1], w)
            w -= alpha * grad

      Here, n_samples is the number of samples in X, idx is a randomly selected index, X[idx:idx+1] and y[idx:idx+1] are the input and target data for the selected sample.

      Use case: SGD is often used for training large neural networks with large datasets.

  2. Mini-Batch Gradient Descent (MBGD): This is a compromise between GD and SGD. In MBGD, the gradient is computed for a small batch of examples at a time, rather than a single example or the entire training set. This can be more efficient than GD and more stable than SGD. The update rule is similar to SGD:

     W = W - learning_rate * gradient_of_loss_for_batch_of_examples

    where the gradient is computed for a small batch of examples at a time. The batch size is usually chosen to be a small positive number.

    • Advantages: It is a compromise between GD and SGD, and can converge faster than GD while being less noisy than SGD.

    • Disadvantages: It requires tuning the batch size, and can still get stuck in local minima.


        # Initialize weights and learning rate
        w = np.zeros((n_features, 1))
        alpha = 0.01
        # Perform mini-batch gradient descent
        for i in range(n_iterations):
            idx = np.random.choice(n_samples, batch_size, replace=False)
            grad = compute_gradient(X[idx], y[idx], w)
            w -= alpha * grad

      This code implements a mini-batch gradient descent optimization algorithm for training a neural network. The algorithm is an extension of standard gradient descent and stochastic gradient descent and aims to strike a balance between the two approaches.

      At first, the weights (w) of the neural network are initialized to zeros. The learning rate (alpha) is also initialized.

      In each iteration of the optimization process, a random subset of data (of size batch_size) is sampled from the entire training set using the np.random.choice() function. This subset is referred to as a mini-batch. The gradient of the cost function concerning the weights is computed using the compute_gradient() function, but only on the mini-batch data instead of the full training set.

      Then, the weights are updated by subtracting the gradient from the current weights, scaled by the learning rate.

      This process is repeated for a fixed number of iterations (n_iterations), or until the desired accuracy is achieved.

      Use case: MBGD is often used for training neural networks with moderate-sized datasets, where a compromise between GD and SGD is desired.

  3. Momentum-based Gradient Descent: This is an extension of GD that incorporates momentum to help the optimization process converge faster. In momentum-based GD, the update rule is modified as follows:

     velocity = beta * velocity + (1 - beta) * gradient_of_loss
     W = W - learning_rate * velocity

    where beta is a hyperparameter between 0 and 1 that controls the contribution of the previous velocity. The momentum helps to smooth out the fluctuations in the gradient and move the weights in the direction of the steepest descent.

    • Advantages: It can accelerate convergence and overcome saddle points.

    • Disadvantages: It can overshoot the minimum and require tuning the momentum parameter.


        # Initialize weights, learning rate, and momentum parameter
        w = np.zeros((n_features, 1))
        alpha = 0.01
        beta = 0.9
        # Initialize velocity
        v = np.zeros((n_features, 1))
        # Perform momentum-based gradient descent
        for i in range(n_iterations):
            grad = compute_gradient(X, y, w)
            v = beta * v + (1 - beta) * grad
            w -= alpha * v

      This code implements a momentum-based gradient descent optimization algorithm for training a neural network. The algorithm is an extension to standard gradient descent and aims to accelerate the convergence rate and prevent oscillations that may occur when using standard gradient descent.

      At first, the weights (w) of the neural network are initialized to zeros. The learning rate (alpha) and momentum parameter (beta) are also initialized. The momentum parameter (beta) controls how much of the previous gradients should be taken into account when computing the current update. A higher beta value means more of the previous gradients are considered in the update.

      Next, an initial velocity vector (v) is initialized with the same shape as the weight vector. This velocity vector is used to store the momentum term. In each iteration of the optimization process, the gradient of the cost function concerning the weights is computed using the compute_gradient() function. Then, the velocity vector is updated using the momentum formula, where the new velocity is a weighted average of the current gradient and the previous velocity. Finally, the weights are updated by subtracting the velocity from the current weights, scaled by the learning rate.

The codes used above are just an illustration to explain the process the optimizers are using to perform the tasks. It serves as a skeleton code snippet. To get a detailed output, you must try out an end-to-end problem to build a neural network model from Kaggle or Github. This will also help to connect about which optimizers are better for what kind of use case at hand.

When to use what

  • Use GD if the dataset is small and the cost function is smooth and convex,

  • Use SGD if the dataset is large and the cost function is noisy or non-convex,

  • Use MBGD if you want a balance between GD and SGD,

  • Use momentum-based GD if you want to accelerate convergence and overcome saddle points.

It's worth noting that these are general guidelines, and the best optimizer depends on the specific problem and data at hand. It's often a good idea to try out multiple optimizers and compare their performance.


In conclusion, optimization algorithms are a critical component of training neural networks, and selecting the right algorithm can greatly impact the performance of the network. We hope this guide to optimization algorithms has provided you with the necessary knowledge and tools to choose the right algorithm for your neural network. Remember to experiment with different algorithms and hyperparameters to find the optimal configuration for your specific use case. In the next part of this article, we will explain the optimizers Adagrad, Adadelta, RMSProp, and Adam.

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